How do I get 5% reduced VAT rate for my conversion?

5% reduced VAT rate I recently received an email from a developer whose contractor was refusing to charge the 5% reduced VAT rate unless the…

Permitted development rights, Conversions and VAT

What is permitted development? What are the VAT implications of permitted development?

VAT on conferences and training courses

Can I claim the VAT? There’s always been a very busy market for any sort of professional training; from tax and accounting, to making money…

Three steps to calculate your VAT cost

In this blog, I’m going to explain how to calculate the “VAT cost” of your property development. The “VAT cost” is the difference between the…

The “option to tax” and residential conversions

If you’re thinking of buying an old commercial property to convert to residential use, you need to read this blog. It will explain how you…

When is a conversion not a conversion?

Whether you’re planning a new property development or some sort of residential conversion, you probably already know that the VAT issues are quite difficult. Although…

VAT on self-builds and DIY conversions

If you’re building a new home or converting an existing property into a dwelling, you can claim VAT on certain goods and/or services under the…