About Us
Welcome to Renovate Me, a platform born in 2015 out of my passion for renovation, property and education.
As a property renovator myself I've built the site organically adding free content and video interviews to help you avoid pitfalls, costly mistakes and a little bit of inspiration for your projects.
I know there is a lot of free advice out there and I'd like to introduce you to some of the experts I've met along the way. Some I've known for years and value their insight, while others I've interviewed because I've used their services or products on my own renovation projects or I have spent time researching their business in an attempt to ensure you are not disappointed if you choose to work with them.
I've tried to organise this into an easy to navigate and useful resource, please feel free to reach out to any of the people featured should you want further information. And just before you go, I always enjoy hearing about different projects so feel free to get in touch.
Best wishes,

Sarah x