Commercial to Residential Success

It seems that no blog or news item can ignore the Brexit result and subsequent fallout. It’s been a fascinating period and we are clearly in interesting times. It appears that discussions and negotiations about the terms of the exit deal are now commencing and it will be intriguing to see what the final terms are. As always, the devil will be in the detail.

This is the same for most planning applications as navigating planning policy and local planning officer’s interpretation of these policies is often interesting!!

This week my own discussions and negotiations with a local planning authority resulted in planning permission being approved to convert a commercial building into a house for a young couple.

This was a particularly good result as our clients first approached us when they had been threatened with enforcement action to vacate the site and advised that permission would not be granted to convert the commercial building for residential use.

However, in our professional judgement we firmly believed that there was a strong case for permission to be granted. A detailed application was submitted followed by a rather protracted period of discussion and negotiation with the Council. However, it resulted in permission being granted and extremely happy clients looking forward to converting the building into their first home.

Dealing with planning applications can be like negotiating a mini Brexit deal and having professional and expert advice is crucial to getting the right result. The Berrys planning team has an excellent track record of success with a large team of qualified planners and architectural technicians available to guide you through the process.

Contact details for Graham Clark